COVID-19 Response

OUR RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 CRISIS (updated 28/06/2020)

Vera Lynne passed away recently at the amazing age of 103.  She famously sung in the war years,  “we’ll meet again, I don’t know where, I don’t know when, but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.“   I’m sure, a question you are all asking is, when will we meet again for Sunday services?

The way ahead does not look as unclear as it was, so Gateway family, this is the plan!  Even though on the 4 July, church services are allowed to resume, heavy restrictions have been put in place by the government. Those restrictions being:

  1. It is strongly advised for gatherings over 30 we should have a risk assessment in place
  2. We are not allowed to sing
  3. Those who are still shielding won’t be able to join us

For these reasons and in consultation with many church leaders in the city and across the nation, the overwhelming consensus has been, starting Sunday services on the 4 July will be premature.  Worship and fellowship are central to who we are as the body of Christ.  How do we bring glory to God and express our worship to Him, if singing is prohibited and fellowship with one another is restricted.

So this is the plan of action. It is a flexible plan, and subject to changes in government guidelines, but as things stand now, we will not be meeting until the first Sunday in September. With shielding restrictions easing early August, it will mean by September, those in the congregation that are vulnerable should be able to join us, obviously with safeguarding measures in place.

However, every Sunday in August, we are going to have Sunday social events in various open spaces across Liverpool.  These will involve possible picnics, walks, cycles and fun in the sun together.  Obviously we will still be observing social distancing measures.  So watch this space, we’ll send out details regarding these social events nearer the time.

It’s been fantastic to hear of church folk meeting up with one another outdoors and the good thing is from the 4 July two different households are allowed to meet indoors. Please can I encourage you in the light of us not being able to meet corporately on a Sunday, to have one another in your homes.  Let us guard our unity by staying connected. When you meet up, share meals together, pray for one another, break bread together. Be the family of God!

So friends, put this in your diaries, you do know where and you do know when, on Sunday the 6 September we are going to meet again.  It’s going to be a celebration!! We may not be in a physical war, but we need to remain vigilant because there is a spiritual war going on around us and we don’t want the enemy to take advantage of our isolation.  We pray for each of you by name, for your protection and in this time of separation that you continue to grow from strength to strength.  That as a good soldier of Christ you continue to fight the good fight of faith. We are believing on the other side of this pandemic His church will come out stronger, not having given the enemy any foothold.  Stay safe, stay strong and we’ll see you soon.

If you have any questions or need any help at this time, please contact – Russ 07733 384894 or Ken 07838 462080.

We love you all dearly,
Russ and Bibi

Col 3:15 “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…”
Psalm 75:3 “When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.”