Our Vision
Our vision is to be and do everything the Bible says a local church is to be and do. As to the special calling on this church, we want to be (this is just for starters!):
A Gateway to God.
Come amongst us and meet the one true living God of love and holiness.
A Gateway to New Life.
When you find God you find salvation – and a better life of blessing and service.
A Gateway to a New Family.
When we come to Jesus we also become part of the greatest family on earth.
A Gateway to the City.
Through us see our city in a new way and find a way to reach out to and serve it.
A Gateway to the Nations.
From us, go out with Jesus’ commission to preach the Good News to all nations.
Our Values
Real not religious. Genuine not fake. Supernatural not super-spiritual. Attractive because authentic.
Family first. Friends first. Devoted to the fellowship. No function without friendship.
Reaching out without selling out. Accessible and meaningful to all seekers in our society.
Radical in everything for and about God. Radical in love (for God), truth (of the Word), holiness (of life), commitment (to the church) and witness (to the world). Radical is relevant; compromise is irrelevant, irreverent and revolting! Radical is passion, zeal, fervency, sold-out, hard-core, full-on, hot!
Everyone’s sleeves rolled-up and hands dirty. All of God’s people priests and ministers, doing the work of the ministry – inside and outside the church. Everyone committed, involved, attending, participating, contributing, serving, witnessing, going. The whole vision owned by the whole church.