Prayer Meeting

We meet in person to pray on Tuesday evenings for our city, our nation and beyond. Your prayers make a difference!

Homegroup Night

Home group is an important time where we can fellowship together, build relationships and learn more about God. If you have any questions, please telephone Russ & Bibi on 0151 486 4023 or e-mail them at

Sunday Service

You are most welcome to join our service where along with Worshipping God, we receive Word and Spirit ministry. Refreshments are available after the service. We look forward to having you join us.

NCMI GLOBAL Equip 2025

As churches spread across the world on every continent, we want to gather around the gospel of Jesus Christ as one in worship, encouraging each other, learning from each other, connecting our hearts together for the further purposes of our King. New Covenant Ministries International – NCMI Global Equip 2025